Also, it's a light, balanced guitar, so it doesn't pitch forward in your lap as much as an older V might, although it still has that weird “sliding forward” feel when playing sitting down due to the body shape. If you hook a leg with the V cut, it’s as stable as any guitar you care to mention.
However, when talking about a V, you really can't judge it like a regular electric. There are those who love that type, and those who hate it. Personally, I found its sonic range well covered with my own old 1992 Les Paul Special so I traded it off.
Any review of this Gibson has to take into account that it's one of the ultimate cult guitars. It will give you a V sound at a lower cost, though you can count on a lower resale value (although no Gibson ever drops THAT low), but for those who love that razor sharp tone, and love that design, then half of the appeal is emotional, and no review is going to convince the converted to buy otherwise.
I do advise, however, if you want a V to keep forever (which isn't always true for guitarists, I know), then save a little more and get a full-blown V like the ‘58 reissue. The extra detail and finish will add to your experience, and like a nice car, you can't overrate the aura. After all, our attachment to guitars isn't some clinical thing that can be rationalized purely by price or what someone says we should be playing.
- Al Handa
Note: This review first appeared on the site in 2013. This and other reviews were short takes that accompanied the link to a business that sold the guitar. As a rule, the guitar had to be at least examined and played by the reviewer (and ideally owned). In my case, a severe case of GAS made it possible to have at least owned the reviewed instrument for a short while. I'm reprinting these as having another source on a guitar never hurts, even if the reviews aren't definitive. Other than minor corrections, these short takes are unchanged from the original text. I figure that it might be helpful to keep the older perspective.
Here's info on some of my Vella books:
The Quitturz (title not changed on ad yet)
I, Ivy
The Forbidden Lost Gospels Of Murgatroyde
The Boogie Underground Think Tank: How To Survive The End Of Civilization
The Adventures Of Queen Khleopahtra: Ruler Of Egypt, Time Traveler, and Literary Detective